Transmedia Project/Rant

I’m so bogged down with assessments at the moment. Everything is due at once and with this being the end of first year I feel so burnt out and empty of ideas. I struggle to think of interesting things to write about in this blog and find myself struggling to focus on much of the lecture content.
This class has been interesting and helpful at times but I also feel like the time could be used more effectively and instead of a second almost irrelevant to first year subject we could be doing a more practical subject building our skills we will use in the other practical subjects. Or even a subject aimed at helping us with our essays and structured writing in the other theory class.
This class fells like its largely aimed at preparing you for being a working and professional established artist but I’d like a subject at this point that aims at helping you get through these years at uni and help cultivate skills and work on areas that need support and extra attention.
This has been another rant and pointless blog but they’ve all been pretty pointless and ranty so whats new?

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