Meme Culture

So this post is related to the Viral Media lecture in wk 8.
I’ve always been a sucker for keeping upto date with the latest trends and knowing whats going on before other people. I have massive FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when everyone else is talking about one thing and I don’t know what it is I feel like I’m missing the joke or missing the punchline.
I’m addicted to Facebook  and check my feed and wall constantly, as well as Instagram and Tumblr.
But the one I was addicted to before these came to be was the dreaded Fight Club of the internet…. 4Chan. I used to surf 4Chan with friends in high school that platform would be where we’d hear about the latest viral internet sensation or things that everyone was talking about.
Often involving some photo and comic sans print over the top or a demotivational take on a motivational poster.
Then it was the “when you see it” craze, then “lolcats” and the ancient “Rick Roll” google any of these phrases and a plethora of results will come forth.
All of these things came out and I was consumed by them, my friends and I made constant reference to the latest “meme” that had come out and on top of that made inside jokes and other subtle references to them.
I doubt many people would have known what we were talking about especially the older generation.
The feeling of having something before someone else, many of the viral posts come out and are seen then get taken by news groups or larger sharing platforms and are then made main stream. This then kills the joke and something else is made to replace it.
I still havent got the knack of how to finish a blog post on here… but here is a little something I whipped up.
blogging in a nutshell

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